Discover how your monthly ups and downs are attributed to hormonal fluctuations throughout your menstrual cycle.
Every month, your hormones ebb and flow as you make your way through your cycle - and with this fluctuation can come a variety of changes in your mood and emotions. Sometimes you’ll feel happy and contented, and sometimes you’ll feel irritable, grumpy and downright miserable. Enter premenstrual syndrome.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a term given to the specific symptoms you experience just before your period commences - like abdominal bloating, breast tenderness, fatigue and, of course, moodiness - though the specific timing of when symptoms commence and resolve varies between women.
For many women, PMS-related symptoms last anywhere from a day or so to several days and can be a mild inconvenience or no-big-deal. However, some women may experience symptoms for longer than this, though - and if you do, it’s a good idea to see your healthcare professional to ensure there’s not an underlying health condition to blame. Chronic PMS can impact your day-to-day life and be an emotional and physical drain, so it’s important to seek help if you’re not coping with your symptoms.
The reproductive hormones (or culprits) involved in influencing your mood and behaviour throughout your monthly cycle are:
These hormone levels rise and fall during the two phases of your cycle: follicular, which typically occurs during the first half, and luteal, which occurs after ovulation. Your cycles typically range from 21 to 35 days in length. In an average 28-day cycle, or thereabouts, here’s what your mood and hormones are up to.
Day one of your cycle is the first day of menstruation, and this can last anywhere from a few days to seven days. You may be feeling tired, bloated and experience some cramps – but these symptoms usually subside as your period disappears – and you’ll start to feel better and more energised.
It’s also important to note that shifting hormones affect everyone in different ways. Some women may not be bothered at all by the rising and falling of hormones, while others are significantly impacted.
If you’re feeling symptoms of PMS and moodiness throughout the month, speak to your healthcare professional. You may have an underlying health condition, be experiencing chronic stress or have other mood concerns . Stress and mild anxiety can cause your hormone levels to fluctuate and you may experience PMS-like symptoms more frequently throughout the month.
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