60% of the brain’s weight is made up of oils and fats, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that making sure you have the right fats, such as omega-3s, in your diet can help with brain health.5A typical modern Western diet is actually lacking these omega-3s and include more processed fats that aren’t good for you or brain development.5
Omega-3s are essential fatty acids that are proven to improve cognitive function.
Learn more about omega-3s and their importance.5 They have been linked to neurological development, so when your body is deficient of them you are at a higher risk of learning difficulties.
The best source for omega-3s are oily fish.
Learn more about which types of fish contain the most omega-3s. We know that some people don’t like the taste of fish and therefore won’t include fish or seafood in their diet.
5 However, especially for growing children, it’s important to supply the body with these omega-3s that are vital for brain development. If you don’t think that your child is getting enough omega-3s in their diet alone, definitely consider a fish oil supplement. Fish oil supplements have been linked to improving cognitive learning and the best part is they don’t come with any horrible side effects.