SFI Health
How Do I Get My Child to Take Fish Oil Supplements?

How Do I Get My Child to Take Fish Oil Supplements?

Decades of research confirm the importance of essential fatty acids found in fish to support eye and brain development, as well as overall health. 

Lifestyle insight
Reading time: 4 minutes

Ideally, children would obtain these crucial nutrients from their diet but where this isn’t possible a fish oil supplement is a great solve, but it can be tricky getting kids to take them! 

Here are some creative ways to get the much-needed benefits of fish oil supplements into your children.

Straight up

It certainly is the easiest way to get it done and some kids will happily take their fish oil straight off a spoon or in a small cup, especially if followed up with a food or drink of choice afterward to avoid any aftertaste. Tip: Keeping the capsules in the fridge can help reduce any fishy taste that may be present.

Disguise the flavor  

The options are endless!

  • Drizzle the fish oil onto bread before applying peanut butter, jam or any other popular spread   
  • Blend it into a smoothie to mask not only the taste but also the texture of the fish oil
  • Mix it into a spoonful or serving of soft food like yogurt, pudding or mashed potatoes – just don’t add the oil to hot foods because heat can reduce its effectiveness
  • Mix it into sorbet – any sorbet will do but citrus flavoured options work particularly well
  • Add it to juice popsicles – just make sure to add the appropriate dose of oil to each popsicle mould before freezing
  • Drizzle it over pasta instead of with olive oil
  • Add it to salad dressing and drizzle it over whatever salad your child enjoys

A flavored liquid product 
With a hefty dose of crucial nutrients in every dose, liquid formulations are well tolerated by many kids ‘as is’ or mixed into juice, smoothies, fruity ice creams or sorbets.

Choose a chewable
Equazen eye q chews are a convenient way to give your child all of the benefits of fish oil in a tasty strawberry flavoured bite-size chewable capsule. The pleasant taste and easy-to-take dosage form can easily be administered to children from ages 3 and up.

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How Do I Get My Child to Take Fish Oil Supplements?

How Do I Get My Child to Take Fish Oil Supplements?

Lifestyle insight

Decades of research confirm the importance of essential fatty acids found in fish to support eye and brain development, as well as overall health. 


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